Know your worth, stick to it, let cheap people float on by.
“Your value is not determined by someone else’s inability to see your worth.
When someone tells you, you’re too expensive, it only means ‘too expensive for them.’
Know your worth (actually know it) & stick to it.
When you do things the right way, the right people find you.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I remember as a young buck, I used to get frustrated when I’d hear the “too expensive” nonsense.
I remember I would always try to defend the price point.
“Well, the market norms for the services are blah blah blah.”
“The quality of the service far exceeds the price points..”
“Your kids are getting far more than training that works, they’re getting safety and mentorship.. you can’t put a price tag on this stuff!”
And while all my points were (still are) correct, it didn’t matter. It will never matter.
There are only 2 reasons your product can be perceived as too expensive, and only 1 reason to prove that your product is too expensive.
The 2 reasons people will tell you that your product is too expensive is:
1) They are cheap.
2) They can’t afford it.
Neither reason has ANYTHING to do with you. Your value has absolutely nothing to do with an outsider’s opinion on the cost of your product, unless..
And this leads to the only reason that proves that your product is too expensive:
1) Nobody is buying your product.
People will tell you all day long, “I know my worth and I’m sticking to it.” And if you do know your worth (a tangible value that the marketplace has consistently paid you for your product/service) you should 100% absolutely stick to your guns. You should even consider raising your prices.
If nobody is buying your product, you can spout the “I know my worth” jargon all day long, but you don’t know your worth and that’s why nobody is buying what you’re selling.
But here’s the deal, most people who tell you your product is too expensive, are simply looking to buy a product you don’t offer.
They want pinto level quality and you’re selling Ferraris.
Speaking of Ferraris, how many Ferrari owners think Ferraris are too expensive? None, right?
It’s only the Hyundai owners who think that.
Does this mean there is anything wrong with Ferraris or Hyundai owners?
Not at all.
The discrepancy of value is in the eye of the beholder.
It has nothing to do with the product.
Know your value. Stick to what your worth. The right people will find you.