Discipline in endeavors beyond the mandatory are what grant you access to your potential.
“It’s easy to do what you have to do.
But the quality of your life hinges on how well & consistently you do what you don’t have to.
When you curate discipline in endeavors outside the mandatory, you earn the privilege of access to becoming who you have the potential to be.”
-Ray Zingler on X

It’s easy to do what you have to do.
Wake up.
Get dressed.
Go to work/school on time.
Do your job well, make good grades..
Come home.
Take the dog out.
Work on some chores.
Fix yourself something to eat.
Go to bed.
As easy as these things are, most still can’t/ won’t do them.
Just look at the state of our nation who is riddled with preventable disease and drowning in consumer debt.
Most of our society’s problems could be remedied by simply doing what we have to do.
It’s funny to think that you can “get ahead” by doing the bare minimum in modern America, simply because the masses won’t even do that.
But that is still the country in which we live in the US of A.
If you want to be extraordinary in whatever you do, you obviously must do what you have to do. This isn’t even a topic of conversation for the extraordinary, because the construct is heavily remedial and understood. You don’t even get a chance to be great if you neglect mandatory duties.
The kicker with extraordinary people, like you’d expect, is how well and consistent they do what they don’t have to do.
This is where they elevate themselves and play an entirely different game on an entirely different playing field.
You can’t even get your ass out of bed to get to work on time?
To work a job that literally funds your chosen lifestyle?
The extraordinary performer was up 2 hours before you participating in non-required, voluntary struggle BEFORE he goes and doubles your outputs in his mandatory duties.
1 single day of behavior like this will create distance between the extraordinary and the commoner, can you imagine what 30 years of this behavior does?
You gain access to who you have the potential to become by doing what you don’t have to do with ferocious, unreasonable consistency.
You don’t have to train.
You don’t have to eat right.
You don’t have to go the extra mile.
You don’t have to show up for that person.
You don’t have to follow through on your word.
But if you do, and you do it consistently, you’ll become who you were destined to be.