You Don't 'Make A Difference' By Accident

Difference makers are highly calculated & intentional about doing so.

Difference makers are highly calculated & intentional about doing so.

“Search for opportunities to be selfless.

Seek to fill voids that most overlook.

Take that extra 5 minutes to have that conversation with that person.

Changing somebody’s life is a macro process, but it’s the micro interactions that contribute to the opportunity to do so.”

-Ray Zingler on X

It’s easy in a job interview or simple passing conversation to say you want to “make a difference”.

Everybody says they want to make a difference, right?

Not everybody is willing to do what it takes on a day-to-day basis to actually make a difference, though.

Making a difference is hard.

It takes an immense amount of time, extraordinary patience, and on top of it, making a real difference lacks what most people in this world are after:

Convenience & Profitability.

You remove a whole hell of a lot of people from the “making a difference” pool and really any valuable pool, the moment you axe convenience and profitability.

This is what makes it impossible to fake making a difference.

Again, you can say all day long that you want to, but you have to defend the notion with your actions.

Everybody wants to be a cowboy. They’ll buy the hats, jeans, and boots, but guess what they won’t do?

They won’t do what cowboys have to do to be cowboys.

Difference makers are intentional.

Difference makers don’t fall into making a difference.

They are intentional about it.

They SEARCH for opportunities to be selfless.

They SEEK to fill voids that most overlook.

They GIVE that extra 5 minutes of their time (that they usually don’t have) to have that conversation with that person.

That conversation may be seemingly trivial to the difference maker, but guess what?

It may be the start of a life change to the person on the other end of the conversation.

If you’ve developed the trust, rapport, and relationship deep enough for someone to seek your advice in private, give them the time.

Making a difference is far more valuable than any physical reward.

Money, houses, cars, boats, status.. NONE of it will ever have the ability to come close to touching the fulfillment that making a difference does. And you can take that to the bank.

In a world that is increasingly going backwards, where we are focused on all the wrong things.

Take a step back.

Ask yourself, what’s the whole point? Why are you doing what you do?

For nicer rims on a car?

Or to change the trajectory of a human life?

Align your actions with your desires.

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