Year Round S&C Training Is A Must.

Increased physical resilience = increased performance potential.

Increased physical resilience = increased performance potential.

“You don’t get ‘tired’ or ‘sore’ from training in-season.

You get tired and sore from not having the physical capacity to withstand the demand of tasks.

This is why training while playing sports is critical.

Increase physical resilience = increased performance potential.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

The whole “I’m not going to train because I’m busy with sports” thing is one of the most backward ideologies an individual could possibly have when it comes to sports performance/health.

So because you have an excess volume of a specific demands you feel as if you should not ensure you have the foundational capacity to support those demands? Those demands that in the modern world are disgustingly overloaded.

And beyond that you feel as if you’ll attain the highest levels of performance while residing OUTSIDE of your strongest, fastest, most explosive, and robust state?

Hot take.

I’ve never understood not wanting to be at your peak performance potential at the time you need performance the most.

The most frequent phrases I hear from those wanting to bail on training during the most important times of the calendar year are:

1)  I don’t want to be sore.

2)  I don’t want to be too tired.

3)  I’m too busy.

I understand.

I don’t want anyone to be too sore, tired, or busy.

The objective of a strength & conditioning program isn’t to draw from your cup, but to increase the size of it so you have the capacity to handle more/play larger volumes with higher quality outputs.

But we as a society don’t look at it that way.

We look at 12-20 hours+ per week of sport and think “MORE!!!”

While looking at 2 hours per week of a performance enhancement stimulus (S&C Training) and sprint to “Nope! We don’t want to get <tired, sore, busier>.”

It doesn’t make sense.

It literally, regardless of how you chop it up and try to interpret it, makes zero sense.

We must stop viewing training as this menial a la carte item and start viewing it like the chain link that is responsible for holding everything together.

Any coach who knows what they are doing is not going to make you sore.

Their goal isn’t to run you into the ground and make you tired.

Nor are they going to lie to you and tell you, you must buy the biggest training package out there.

The conartists will, but the real ones? No chance.

Their goal is to expand and fill your cup.

Not take from it.

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