Who You Are And What You Do Only Has Value If Others Benefit Because Of It.

Make them the main characters of the story.

Make them the main characters of the story.

“I don’t care about your athletic ability.

I don’t care about your limitations.

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I don’t care about your past.

I don’t care if you’re not a ‘workout person.’

If you’re willing to show up, try, and get better by default..

We are eager to welcome you to our program, gym, and our program.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I think it’s extremely important to continually ask yourself and define not only who you are, but who you’re for.

If your answer to your own question isn’t constantly evolving, then chances are you’re growing stagnant in whatever it is that you’re doing and your impact on the world is likely minimal because of it.

In the Professional world, Strength & Conditioning Coach is one of my titles.

It’s a title that I value and am very thankful for, but what is a S&C Coach? A person who prescribes and facilitates exercise modality for athletes to improve their athletic performance outputs?

It’s an honorable, essential position that on the surface alone adds tremendous value to the lives of others.

But is that it? Is that all I want to be in my Professional Career?

No chance in hell.

My personal interpretation, standard, and expectation for what I do, who I am, and who I’m for goes much deeper than the surface.

I aim to be a servant leader of people who uses Strength & Conditioning as a vehicle to reach, strategically invest, and positively impact the lives of others. Others who can then harness and leverage the lessons learned on behalf of their efforts under my guidance, to serve them not only today, but to improve the quality of their life into the future.

As you can see, for me, there is a bit more to it than telling Jonny he has 3 sets of 5 on squats.

Who are we for at Zingler Strength?

We are for any person, male or female, regardless of race, creed, socioeconomic status, or skill level.

I don’t care an inkling about athletic ability, limitations, or your past.

I don’t care if you’re not a “workout person”.

I don’t care about any of that stuff.

If you’re willing to show up, try your best, and improve by default..

We will not only welcome you, we will intentionally go out of our way to help you build confidence that will that will enhance every aspect of your life.

What we do at our gym isn’t a hobby.

It’s not a side gig we do in our spare time because we like training.

We do what we do because we are hell bent on making your life better.

Thanks for reading Zingler Strength ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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