Can you package & deliver it in a receivable way?
“What do you have that they can benefit from?
Can you package & deliver it in a receivable way.
I’d like to tell you that this is my business plan.
But it’s really my life plan, that happens to work well for business.
It’s not what you have.
It’s what they get.
Service >.”
-Ray Zingler on X

When I first started out in the strength business I was obsessed with training.
I’d train people for 10-12 hours a day.
I’d train myself for another 2 hours a day.
And then in my spare time, which was very little, I’d look for anybody to talk training with whether it be in person or online.
I’d maybe sleep 5 hours a day.
Do the math.
For close to 10 years, I’d spend close to 5,000 hours per year researching, studying, practicing, smelling, touching, tasting, any and all things training, all the time.
And then eventually, I hit a wall.
Imagine that.
It wasn’t that there wasn’t more to learn in my field, but when you spend 100 hours a week, every week, for like 500 weeks in a row on one given thing..,
You start to get a little burnt.
I hired some mentors, talked to people who’d been doing it longer than me, and introspectively assessed myself.
I was still continuing to grind my face off, because “that’s what we do”, but I was in desperate need of a change.
While I did need to cut back on my “hours in the game” what I found I needed, was a mindset shift.
It wasn’t that I needed to get away from my passion that is still very much to this day, training.
But it was the service side of training I needed to focus on. Not as much the x’s and o’s.
When you spend 30,000+ hours on the x’s and o’s, you don’t learn it all, but you know damn plenty to be effective at your job.
It was the people side of training, that, admittedly I deeply enjoyed all along, that needed the majority of my focus.
I stopped worrying so much about how the squats will affect Hudson and started focusing on Hudson.
We know the exercises work, but where can I be more dynamic in the presentation of my service & impact?
And it was this shift that brought all my fire back.
You can burn out on “your thing”, but if you’re truly a service driven person hell bent on adding value to the lives of others, that flame cannot be extinguished.