Wealth is owning your time. Rich is fulfilling your purpose.
“Wealth isn’t numbers on a banking app.
Wealth is owning your time.
Rich isn’t having material items.
Rich is fulfilling your purpose.
The ultimate status symbol isn’t a car, watch, or boat.
The ultimate status symbol is a fueled soul that can’t be bought or seen externally.”
-Ray Zingler on X

In America we judge an individual’s success by googling their net worth, despite the figure that pops up on the first search not having much truth to it.
I’ve always thought about success in a bit of a different context.
What if instead of measuring people’s level of success by their net worth, we measured it by their net giving?
What percentage of what they have do they give away?
Earning is easy.
Giving is hard.
It goes against the now hardwired condition that is selfishness.
As a Christian, I’ve learned that nothing we have is ours.
Don’t believe me?
Everything you “own” today is going to end up in a landfill or owned by somebody else in 70 years.
We are merely stewards of money and belongings for the very short period of time we’re on this earth.
I’m not implying that we shouldn’t be good stewards while we’re here, but we are merely stewards nonetheless.
Those with a net worth of $100B and those who die in colossal debt will end up in the same wooden box 6 feet beneath the surface.
If we know this to be true, I think it’s important to evolve our definitions of success.
Wealth isn’t numbers on a banking app. I don’t care how many zeros you have.
Wealth is owning your time.
There are many a man with millions of dollars who are slaves.
They trade their time to acquire zeros on an app that make them feel better at the expense of the nonrenewable asset that is time.
Again, zeros that, very soon, are going to effectively mean nothing.
Can you own and operate every hour of your day the way that you want to?
If you can’t, you don’t own your time, your time owns you.
I’m playing the time game.
Money is important, sure, but money is easy. I’m after the ownership of time.
And “rich”?
Rich isn’t a lake house, boat, or rims.
Rich is fulfilling your purpose & living life on purpose.
Do you work a menial job that allows you to buy stuff?
Or do you do with great love, passion, and intensity what you were put on this earth to do 365 days a year?
That’s rich.