Standards that are completely counter to their actual development.
“We take elongated recess & real PE out of schools, which is equally important education, even more important in early years & then label kids diseased for not wanting to sit still.
Then, they shove pills down their throats to force compliance.
And society calls this “normal”.
-Ray Zingler on X

So let me get this straight…
The main form of learning for children takes place during play, or if you want to get fancy, “exploration”.
And what does the government do?
They minimize children’s access to exploration and sit them in chairs, inside, for most of the day?
I’m all for sounding out letters, learning basic arithmetic, and where to put the commas, but let’s look at K-8th students in the traditional school setting.
They spend over 11,000 hours in school, BEFORE high school.
76% of kids get less than 1 hour of physical activity per day.
But for the sake of (extreme) generosity, let’s play a little make believe and pretend that k-8th students get 1-hour of physical activity at school per day (lol).
What this means is that for 9 years, pre-high school age kids sit in chairs for over 9,000 hours.
10,000 hours is what Malcom Gladwell claims it takes to attain mastery in anything, yet most 8th graders can’t correctly identify all 50 states on a map test.
But “Hell yeah, brother, the government got this one right!”
With super computers living in kids pockets and on kitchen walls at home, to think it takes them 15,000 hours of schooling (co-parenting with the government) to “educate” them is quite literally insanity.
Most kids will learn more on YouTube in 2 hours than they will in 2 semesters of slogging through school, temporarily memorizing, to score enough points to prevent being grounded.
But we don’t like to talk about it because, “Hush! We’ve always done it this way! Sit down & shut up!”
And do you want to know where the majority of our kids’ problems stem from?
Quite literally from sitting down and shutting up.
Your kid doesn’t have “disorder”.
When you look at the behavioral practices (that are for all intents and purposes counter to actual developmental) what our kids, especially boys are experiencing today is ORDER. Not disorder.
Lock any young animal in a cage for 40 hours a week and tell me it complies.
Do as wish with your children’s education, but you can’t strong arm your way around physical activity.
They’ll always have to pay one way or another.
By not physically educating them, we are poisoning them.