We Are Teaching A Generation Of Kids That Their Success In Life Hinges On An 'A' In Math Class.

And they don't know how to use a pressure washer or what an interest rate is.

And they don’t know how to use a pressure washer or what an interest rate is.

“We are teaching a generation of kids to memorize, regurgitate, & then forget information to make room for more info to forget.

As if a ‘B’ in the highest offered science class has ANY implication on real world success.

We need to be teaching them hard work & actual skills.”

-Ray Zingler on X

I know Gary Vee is a lot. Some love him, some hate him, but that’s how it goes with the internet.

Regardless of your or my thoughts on him, I read an awesome post from him last week, and I’ll share it in full:

“To all the kids and parents struggling with grades in school, let me make you one promise:

The world is changing at a speed that our current school systems aren’t able to keep up with.

Instead of worrying if your kids get A’s start worrying if they are kind and generous and warm and hard working and most of all lack entitlement.

That will matter much more to their happiness than a B in Science.”

Mic drop.

I mean what a quote, and not only a quote, but what a truth.

We sit here as a society and fret over all the wrong things.

Am I saying that kids shouldn’t focus on school? That they should just go out and be bums in the classroom?

Of course not, all kids should do their dead level best in the classroom..

But thinking that their identities revolve around an A in AP Honors to the 2nd power math class so they can pay a fortune to (hopefully) get into <insert large state school here> (with a biased acceptance process) is absolute lunacy.

For what?

To get a sheet of paper that our real world increasingly cares less and less about with each passing day?

We are building kids with brains to the nth degree that don’t know how a pressure washer works.

They get callouses on their hands from using a rake without gloves on.

They don’t understand what the phrase “interest rate” means.

And we’re worried about an A in APUSH so we can tell our friends at holiday parties just how smart our kids are?

Focus on school. Bust your ass in the classroom. I’m all for it.

But certainly not at the expense of learning how to actually work hard and develop skills that translate to the real world.

I’ve forever believed (and will continue to) that the most dangerous human on the planet is the man or woman with a white-collar mind and a blue-collar work ethic.

Don’t skimp out on the blue.

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