They get away with the charades because nobody is holding them accountable.
“The amount of kids in America not being trained, but put through randomized bouts of activity disguised as ‘training’ is not only staggering, it’s abysmal.
We have an unfathomable volume of resources, yet we still outsource our kids’ athletic potential to Jimmy’s dad.
-Ray Zingler on X
America is one of the most developed countries in the world.
In many areas from coast to coast, we have access to some of the greatest resources in the world.
This is true from technology to sports performance coaches.
But because I am a sports performance coach, I will stick to more of what I know and less about what I don’t know.
As “common” as that concept sounds, it may come off as a humble brag, as many people out there want to do/talk about what they know nothing about.
For perfect example: Sports Performance.
(No, that wasn’t planned, but I saw the alley oop so I took it.)
There is a LOT of training out there.
Well, I should say, activities that are branded and marketed as training to unknowing consumers’.
But unfortunately, even though the great resources exist, there is far more bad training than there is good training, especially when it comes to our youth.
From the big turf box down the road selling large group “speed & agility” training for cut rates, to your local bro slangin’ cones down on the surface he didn’t pay for at your local school or park, there are a lot of people in this game, not necessarily doing it for “the wrong reasons” but contribute to the mess that is our industry with bad, often horrid activities they call “training”.
But the reason they get away with it and muddy the field for the good guys who know what they’re doing is because there is nobody who is going to hold them accountable.
Consumers’ are busy.
They don’t know training. They aren’t willing to self-educate, ask questions, or learn.
If they were, these wal-mart brand trainers wouldn’t have jobs.
They’d be exposed before they could unzip their duffle bags full of bullshit.
But the reason they last for years is because, again, NOBODY is holding them accountable, not even themselves.
They are convinced they are the “good guys” because they are nice and tell people “faster, fasterrr.”
In a world that is loaded down nonsense.
Ask questions.
Make sure your kids are being trained by quality professionals.
It can make all the difference in their worlds not only today, but especially tomorrow.