Overdeliver them value & set them up to win the deal. It always comes back.
“Business is supposed to be an equal trade.
The consumer pays a price and gets a level of value/service that matches the cost.
I’ve been in business 15 years & never believed in that.
I have always wanted our clients tot ‘win the deal’ every time.
Overdeliver. It comes back.”
-Ray Zingler on X

The beauty of starting a business with no business experience is that you must learn everything.
And I mean LEARN.
You couldn’t have told me anything in those early years. “Stubborn-Hard Head” was my middle name.
It wasn’t about “what’s true about business” it was about my perception of truth and the way “I thought it should be”.
And the way I thought it should be was rooted in morals and ethics.
Shooting people straight. Treating them well. Ensuring they got more value than what they paid for.
And yes, I did find out the “down sides” of doing this (there will forever be people who take advantage of people who do things the right way) and had to evolve policies to prevent from getting burned, but to intentionally manipulate people?
Hell, I’d not lose sleep, I’d not sleep at all.
Over 60% of Planet Fitness’ members don’t use the gym at all.
If I got paid for a session by somebody that went unfulfilled, I was bending over backwards to ensure they get value that EXCEEDS what they paid for.
“Yeah, but that’s different.”
Sure it is, but how many planet fitness managers are reaching out to those who hold memberships to see how they’re doing? Invite them back to the “club”? Planet Fitness is a #family, remember?
The chiropractor tells you that you need 16 visits a month? And 18 additional therapies on top of it?
Is he sure that’s what you need?
Or is it a money grab to pay back the loans on all the devices he has in facility?
They just tell you it’s “about your health”.
Listen I understand everybody views business in a different light.
Some are out to make a buck (very important).
Some are out to serve people.
Some are in it to do both.
While I have evolved my business IQ and now recognize that you can lead a horse (consumer) to water, but you can’t make them drink.
I have and always will have a client-centric focus.
I have always wanted them to win the deal.
I’ve learned that when you authentically operate this way, the universe knows about it.
And it’s God who ensures the well never runs dry.
It flows abundantly.