Widespread physical literary & nutrition aren’t preached and practiced because it cuts into their profit margins.
“Kids today are being conditioned by a system whose sole goal is to profit off them.
You think they remove physical activity & whole food nutrition from their diets because “wE dOnT kNoW bEtTeR?”
The faster they can tether them to illness, the longer they can profit off them.”
-Ray Zingler on X

“Oh that’s a conspiracy theory, Ray, come on!”
Is it?
The overwhelming majority of youth in our country, despite being hardwired to crave movement, grossly fail to meet the MINIMUM government recommended activity standards.
And for the record, as you could probably imagine, the government activity standards are abysmally piss low.
And 760/1000 kids in America today aren’t sniffing Uncle Sam’s laughable standards.
Look at their diets.
They’re eating nothing for breakfast, outside of maybe a processed energy bar and then, once they start driving, they pick-up a 24oz can of chemicals at the corner store.
For lunch, they’ll have a bag of Doritos and a sports branded sugar drink.
And finally for dinner, they’ll run through the drive thru because they’re “starving” or pick through the homemade dinner, getting next to no nutrition.
I know TikTok Sally will get on here and say, “NOT MY KIDS!” and that’s great, I respect that. Seriously. I am grateful you’ve chosen to be a responsible adult and teach your children about physical activity and proper nutrition.
Here’s your cookie. Homemade with real butter and sugar, of course.
Regardless of the few who are “against the societal grain” (I’m right there with you), we cannot overlook the state of public health if you “care” about people.
This is especially true if you’re in a leadership position with the ability to impact young people.
Fundamentally, it’s really really simple.
Move your limbs every day for an hour, and eat foods that once had a heartbeat and/or grew out of the ground.
I just gave you the whole script to health in one single sentence.
Now I recognize the challenging part of this is the application side.
Our “For The People” government and lazy parents have made it very difficult for our kids to attain robust health.
Do you think they are taking PE out of school’s and continuing to ignore the (lack of) physical movement epidemic because “it’s not that important”.
How about pretending like from fast food is good for them?
But big brother is looking at our kids like $ signs, not people.
They are incentivized to steal their independence and tether them to preventable illness for their own financial gain.
We must WAKE UP.