Train The Brain. Callous The Hands. Give Irrationally.

There is value in a white-collar mind, a blue-collar work ethic, and a heart on fire to love and serve others.

There is value in a white-collar mind, a blue-collar work ethic, and a heart on fire to love and serve others.

“Train the brain.

Callous the hands.

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Give irrationally.

I don’t know a lot, but I do know there is a value in working to develop a white collar mind, a blue collar work ethic, and a heart on fire to love and serve others.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

The main reason I have a lot of intrinsic drive for personal growth and development stems from my understanding of how unpolished I really am. I know how much I don’t know and this is very encouraging to me.

It’s very encouraging to me because of my rich desire to add more value to the world. I know in order to do this, the concept of complacency isn’t allowed to exist in my world. If it does, how can I say I am being who I want to be? I know it doesn’t matter to you, but that’s just not a conversation I’m willing to have with the man in the mirror.

I read, write, study, train, practice, and apply every single day of my life. I know I’m not ‘gifted’ enough to miss, hell I’m not gifted enough even when I hit, but to give myself a chance at inching closer to becoming who I want to be, it’s got to be every damn day.

I am very thankful for my upbringing.

I am the son of a College Football Coach, turned Entrepreneur and Public High School Teacher/Coach. In my family tree there are blue-collar construction workers and there are Special Ops Military personnel.

I am also fortunate to have a godfather who is the 1% of the 1% in the finance/business world who I can draw advice from.

I share this because who I am trying to become is a melting pot of those who have influenced me on my journey. I think there is extraordinary amounts of value in all of them. From the blue-collar dry wall finishers to the white-collars on Wall Street.

Who I am trying to become, emphasis on trying, is an evolving man of great character with a white-collar mind, a blue-collar work ethic, and most importantly a heart on fire to love and serve others.

In my eyes there is no more valuable man on this earth, than a man who has a rich library (that he acts on), calloused hands, and a heart selflessly focused on adding value to the lives of others.

I don’t know it all. Hell, I don’t know most of it, but having an aiming point is what gives my life purpose.

Now it’s just acting on desire.

Every day.

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