Time Isn't Our Most Valuable Asset. Judiciously Leveraged Time, Is.

Covering up poor choices & inefficiencies with the busy blanket, expenses the finite resource that carries the most potential value.

Covering up poor choices & inefficiencies with the busy blanket, expenses the finite resource that carries the most potential value.

“‘I’m too busy.’

More often than not is:

‘I don’t manage my time well.’

Covering up poor choices & inefficiencies with the busy blanket doesn’t drive growth.

It expenses your most valuable asset which is judiciously managed time.

Winners leverage time.

Losers spend it.”

-Ray Zingler on X

You often hear the phrase, “Time is our most valuable asset!”

And I disagree.

Time, much like real estate, investment portfolios, and classic car ownership are only real assets if we leverage them properly.

Buy real estate on the wrong side of town, invest in high-risk stocks too often, and let your granddaddy’s old firebird rust out in the yard and you’ll quickly find out that real state, investment portfolios, and classic cars can be horrible “assets”.

The same is true with time. Especially if we misuse it.

However, what makes time, like land, the (potentially greatest) asset that it is, is the fact that it is finite.

You can’t make more of it.

You can only buy access to the limited quantities that are available.

Much different than real estate, stocks, and classic cars, right? You can fudge a few of those deals and make your money back in the abundant marketplace.

The same cannot be said about time. And I don’t care who your daddy is or about his trust fund.

And if time is as precious as they say it is (it is) this means we must be great stewards of our time.

I find it funny that people take better care of fine china they don’t even use than their time.

But that’ll happen when you lack self-awareness regarding what really matters.

And that’s what this whole thing boils down to.


You must learn, and especially teach your kids, that time has the potential to be more valuable than money.

It’s a hard concept to grasp because money is tangible and time is intangible, but it’s true nonetheless. Ask any elderly man or woman on their death bed, if you don’t believe me.

We’ll talk all day long about sat prep classes, getting into this college or that college, getting a good job, and on and on.

But we rarely teach the skill of time management.

Every time you say you’re “too busy” they hear you.

Are you asking yourself, “Am I using my time as judiciously as I possibly can?”

If you’re not, your teaching your kids to misuse the resource that carries more value potential than any other.

And remember:

Winners leverage time.

Losers spend it.

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