Time Is Finite, Money Is Renewable

This makes prioritizing the former resource over the ladder critical to maximizing the quality & value of our existence.

This makes prioritizing the former resource over the ladder critical to maximizing the quality & value of our existence.

“If you learn to view time, which is finite, in the context of dollars & cents which are renewable, you learn how much more valuable time is than money.

But because money is tangible and time is intangible people struggle to make the connection.

Money = Rich

Time = Wealth.”

-Ray Zingler on X

You’ll google a celebrity’s net worth and be astonished by some of the figures.

“Must be nice!”

But I doubt you factor in and strongly consider the costs associated with the accumulation of currency.

The travel, the lack of privacy, the target that lives on your back as the world waits to exploit your mistakes for their personal gain.

You only see Morgan Wallen when he’s jacked up coming out to his walk out song and think “man he’s living the life!”

But again, you don’t contextualize how much it costs him to make all that possible.

You don’t think about his life when the concert is over.

He’s a human who eats, sleeps, shits, & showers, just like all of us do.

And now the point of this post isn’t to demonize celebrities or ultra-high net worth individuals (I have an immense amount of respect for these individuals who have reached the pinnacle of their fields) but to consider what carries more value, money or time?

Money is important, there is no arguing that.

We need it to buy goods and services and keep our family’s dry.

 Social media has convinced us that the game is about chasing more money so that we can buy more things.

This leads many people to trade away most of their time to acquire more dollars to buy more stuff.

Whether this be rims for a vehicle, a living room with 20 more square feet, a vacation home, or a private island.

These all cost money, which in turn, cost time.

But many people, even extremely intelligent folks, don’t factor in the time it costs to get rich.

No, they are focused on money.


Because it’s easier to quantify.

You can touch, taste, and smell it.

The same cannot be said about time.

Time is fixed. It’s finite. You can’t see it or touch it, but you only get so much of it.

This makes the nonrenewable resource infinitely more valuable than the renewable resource.

Next time you want to google a celeb’s net worth, factor in how much time that costs.

It’s easy to get rich. Money will always be there.

But time is wealth and time is running away and you can’t get more of it.

Time > Money.

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