The Path Of Least Resistance Is Efficient, But It Isn't Growth Inducing

Sheltering our kids from friction in an effort to maintain this path is precisely why many of them fail later on.

Sheltering our kids from friction in an effort to maintain this path is precisely why many of them fail later on.

“The path of least resistance is the most efficient path.

The problem is that is isn’t the most growth inducing one.

Each time an adult coddles to a kids excuse, they are condoning & encouraging the path of least resistance.

The exact path the world uses to recruit losers.”

-Ray Zingler on X

We all know the fastest route from Point A to Point B is a straight line, right?

The path of least resistance would be the optimal path and the one I would encourage all to choose if the world wasn’t salivating like a hungry dog, eager to throw you off and keep you off this path. We must always remember; the world is working 24/7/365 to pound you into submission and keep you down.

It’s for this reason we must subject ourselves to the less-than-ideal path “in training” so that we can build resilience and be able to better withstand the demands and challenges life will inevitably throw at us.

It’s sport specific training if you will. I know the gurus out there will appreciate that one.

Therefore I believe it is so critical for our parents and adults to hold our kids accountable. Especially when it comes to sticking to their word and doing hard things they likely prefer to pass on.

I’ve told the story before, but it’s worth repeating.

Years ago, we had a boy at our gym who I noticed was irregularly showing up to his sessions, I called the mother to check in and she told me, “I keep asking him if he wants to go, but he prefers to play Xbox instead.”

I mean I was baffled beyond comprehension.

You’re giving a 14-year-old the choice to choose playing a video game with a virtual friend over coming to an in-person obligation that requires effort, and you’re shocked the kid is choosing xbox?

As much as I hate to say it and I truly hope I’m wrong, but this is precisely the reason there are vastly more losers than winners in this world. And I have trouble putting fault on the kid because he is simply a product of what is and was tolerated within his environment.

This kid likely grew up knowing that he could get away with anything, his parents weren’t going to hold him accountable, and he’d be sheltered from any resemblance of friction all to maintain this path of least resistance.

I hate to say it, but like a sports recruiter, the world is scattered along the path of least resistance picking off losers for its use at every turn along the way.

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