How could they NOT have mental & identity issues within the confines of the current model?
“The most overlooked aspect of athletic development is emotional preparedness.
We overload mentally & physically immature kids without a care in the world regarding what it does to their long term motivation, confidence, stress tolerance, & mental health.
Ignoring it ain’t it.”
-Ray Zingler on X
At what cost, though?
This is a question we rarely ask ourselves because we naturally gravitate to the perceived upside of everything.
While I’m obviously not “anti-optimist” I think many of us can often be naïve when it comes to being realistic, especially when it comes to subjects related to our biggest emotional levers, our kids.
But I challenge you to ask yourself, what is the cost?
Not only opportunity cost, (i.e. when we say yes to something, we are saying NO to everything else that could be taking place during that time) but the physical, mental, financial, and emotional costs.
We already know that the costs associated with current youth sports FAR exceed the scholarship (heavily partial discount) many families are after, so there’s no justification there.
And let’s talk physical costs for a second. Is more better? No, seriously, is it? We preach minimal effective dose and balance everywhere else in life, but we place a premium on an abundance of specificity and wonder why our kids run into problems? Google “Youth injury epidemic” and just read for 5 minutes.
And what about the most overlooked aspect of their development, the mental/emotional side.
We used to have a practice or 2 per week and then a game on Saturday. (Single) sports made up less than 8 hours of our week.
It’s not to say that some weren’t involved more than others or that performance pressure didn’t exist, but the “rub some dirt on it, kid” tactic worked for many because we were consumed with other activities throughout the week.
Riding bikes, playing street ball, hanging out at movie theaters and in gas station parking lots, we were kids who played sports not the other way around.
Now, though, sports are many kids’ identities. They don’t even know who they are beyond <insert sport> and the second they think they do; they are bashed over the head with additional pressure from the next “eSsEnTiAl” AP Class.
Again, what’s the cost? Is the value there? Are you 100% sure? Could we adapt and evolve the model?
What are the way things currently are doing to their long term motivation, confidence, stress tolerance, & overall mental health?
The current model is a net negative and it’s only getting worse.