It’s the amateurs who are trying to dupe you with the flash.
“The easiest way to tell the quality of a S&C Coach is by how SIMPLE he is or isn’t.
The best ones don’t have to try to wow you with flash.
They’ve already put in the time and know the fundamentals are where the fruit is.
It’s the amateurs who are ‘coaching’ the theatrics.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
As much as I hate to say it, the industry that I am in, the industry that I love, has unfortunately been littered with theater. There are more circus acts than you can shake a stick at.
Strength, health, and fitness are extremely critical constructs to every person alive on earth today. For this reason, many folks feel they should dabble within the coaching side of the industry because they understand the importance.
Or at least they think they do.
The problem, and how we got to where we are in what many consider a laughing stock, is everybody’s desire to establish themselves as “different” within the industry.
I’m not at all against finding one’s lane and having their voice. The issue is when that voice becomes manipulative and outright wrong and then used to try to dupe unknowing consumers.
Consumers, who mind you, naturally gravitate to “shiny and new”.
A car can be shiny and new all it wants to be, but if it doesn’t have a motor in it, it’s nothing but useless yard art.
The easiest way to tell a great coach from a phony is by how ferociously consistent they are with simple modality.
A great coach has put his time in.
He’s been around the block.
He’s got a bunch of the t-shirts.
He’s tried just about all of it and he’s finally circled back to where it all started. Why?
Because he’s learned that simple is where all the fruit is.
He’s learned that all that ‘InstaHype’ stuff you see is really nothing more than smoke & mirrors that is utilized to try to get attention.
Getting attention and getting results are two totally different things.
It’s the amateurs who are constantly showcasing the circus acts.
The ‘different’ stuff.
They are trying to get you to jump at flash. Not at quality. They know quality doesn’t sell as well.
But let me assure you this:
The Real Pros who know what actually works aren’t concerned with trying to fool you.
They are concerned with doing things the right way because they know it is what will serve you best.
The easiest way to tell the quality of a Coach is by how consistently simple he is.
Just look.
They’ll show their quality rather quickly.