The Best Strength Coaches Are Masters Of The Mundane

They ignore the noise because they know that's all it is anyway.

They ignore the noise because they know that’s all it is anyway.

“Your success as a Strength Coach directly correlates to your ability to recognize, drown out, and stay away from the garbage.

Can you do boring stuff extraordinarily well, freakishly consistently, for extremely long periods of time?

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If you can, you’ll win by default.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Being a Real Strength Coach is one of the hardest jobs in the world, especially in the Private Sector.

I don’t mean it in the sense of the actual application of our job being as physically difficult as something like working on a concrete yard, but in a different sense.

A Real Strength & Conditioning Coach quite literally holds the keys to our kid’s performance potential. He (or she) is without any question the most important sports resource and our value is increasing by the day in the backwards, overspecialized, youth sporting landscape we know today.  

Sadly, the average consumer doesn’t know this.

Thankfully there are a few who view the landscape from a broader lens. They recognize the garbage being fed to their kids, and you know, think critically..

But the average consumer? No way.

Thinking outside the box requires real effort. And we’re not a society that loves effort.

“Squats? Deadlifts? What!? We’re playing soccer. Why would we do muscle weights when the goal is to get a soccer scholarship? Psshh, we’re selling out to the ‘skills coach’ for more soccer lessons. That’s what he said we needed, anyway.”

I wonder why he said that, Karen?

Sound silly?

This is the OVERWHELMING majority in the youth sport scene.

That’s why our job is one of the hardest jobs in the world and to make it even harder, we have “our own” people undercutting us even further. I’ll explain below.

We have faux coaches who have literally designed a subsect of S&C within the realm of Real S&C, a subset I’ll refer to as “Bullshit Training”.

Yep, we have bros everywhere undercutting our value, feeding kids knock off garbage for pennies on the dollar, further contributing to the consumer misunderstanding the value of a real coach.

Again, they don’t know any better, so if they seek training at all, they’ll jump on the low-price leader who does the sh*t that looks cool on Instagram.

But to the real ones out there, I implore you to stay in your lane. Keep doing it the right way.

It’s an uphill battle every single step of the way, but its damn worth it when you see those who are seeking real value thrive to their max potential.

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