Following the same, undifferentiated, linear path as millions of others and expecting success to be handed to you at the end ain’t it.
“Success loves effort.
Success loves hustle.
Success loves urgency.
Success loves doers, go-getters, figure it the fu*k outers.
We must stop teaching kids the answer to success is found in following the same, undifferentiated linear path millions of others are following.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Go up to a random high school kid and ask him, “Why is it important to do well in school?”
His answer will be, “So that I can get into a good college.”
Then ask him why that is important?
“So I can get a good job.”
That insanely superficial answer is the gist of it for literally millions of kids.
You’ll never, not one single time, hear, “So the government can better prepare me for the harsh realities of life.”
We are subjecting kids to an egregious number of hours of schooling (in many cases, co-parenting with the government) for what? To prepare them for more school?
Schools that selectively, randomly, and biasedly choose whether your kid can go there.
And then, if he or she does get in, you get to pay the highway robbery that is 10x over the value of the degree.
All to get a sheet of paper the modern real world doesn’t give a shit about?
While at the same time, a high school dropout who figured out YouTube will make your kids entire life’s earnings in one calendar year, at an age he’s not old enough to rent a hotel room on his own?
And societally, we still say, “Hell Yeah!” to this?
What world are we living in? Because it’s certainly not the modern one.
Look I understand if you want to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, etc. traditional college is the best, sorry *ONLY* choice, or if you have connections to go to a Notre Dame, Duke, or Ivy League (the value there still isn’t in the degree, but the network, imagine that!) go.
But to still teach masses of kids “the best way” is to go into debt at <insert undifferentiated university> to get an <insert undifferentiated degree> because it sounds good at your neighborhood functions is crazy.
It’s bold faced lying to them. It’s cheating them.
Success in the real world doesn’t care that you got a business degree.
Success hinges on your ability to assess, navigate, and solve real world problems.
Success loves effort, hustle, and urgency.
Success loves go-getters who think OUTSIDE the box.
Success is simple, but it will never wait for you.
You always have to go to it.