Success is a byproduct of consistently acting on what you know you need to do.
“The biggest lie people tell themselves is that they need more information & more choices.
You don’t need more information or choices.
Excess information clouds.
More choices create more room for error.
You simply need to consistently act on what you know you need to do.”
-Ray Zingler On X

It’s elementary shit done savagely well, for extremely long periods of time.
If a dumb guy like me can figure this out, anybody can.
I’ve never been a high-skill guy, which I am grateful for because it always forced me to work. To be savvy. To look at things in a different way.
And rather than buy into the Instagram lies of entrepreneurial success via get rich quick schemes, I decided to anchor in on the little things. The mundane work.
Show up on time. Take pride in cleaning the gym. Treating people extremely well. Doing what I said I’d do, every single time. Serving where my help was needed. Owning my mistakes. Righting my wrongs.
And I wasn’t only going to do this 20, 30, 100 times in a row.
It was going to be tens of thousands of times in a row. I was going to make these mundane principal’s part of who I was.
Again, I knew training and continue to evolve my training knowledge, but anybody can know training, right? There are people out there who know way more about it than I’ll ever know.
There will be marketing guru’s out there who will know the marketing side way better than I do.
But where I decided I was going to be an irrationally consistent pro, was in the overlooked fundamental components of my business.
Did it put me on the fast track to glamorous success? No. I’m 15 years in of intentionally working my ass off every single day, still looking for my overnight success tag.
But it’s allowed me to learn, grow, and evolve. And consistently attain success that has allowed me to take care of my family increasingly better year after year.
If the fundamentals didn’t work, I’d tell ya, but they’re about all I’ve got and what I’m going to stick to.
And if I were a betting man, I’d bet that the fundamentals well isn’t going to run dry. I’ve got too much proof of concept.
You don’t need more information.
You don’t need more choices.
You need less.
You need to consistently act upon what you know you need to be doing.
If you can master the art of consistently acting on the fundamentals..
You win.