A sense of urgency, an abundance mindset, and an undenying belief in oneself.
“Amateurs don’t act because they are paralyzed by fear that is rooted in the scarcity mindset.
Pros know time is fleeing & have a sense of urgency. They pursue their dreams fearlessly, operating with not only belief in oneself, but an abundance mindset.
That’s the difference.”
-Ray Zingler on X

You want to know where the richest place in the world is?
The graveyard.
Where most hopes, wishes, dreams, & passions die, never having been fulfilled.
A bit morbid, maybe, but it’s the truth nonetheless.
How many people do you know who had that awesome idea.
Who wanted to invent that thing?
Puruse that dream?
Start that business?
A lot, right?
But they never did.
Fear that is rooted in the default, scarcity mindset.
It’s the illusion that there isn’t enough that holds people back.
There isn’t enough money.
There isn’t enough time.
There isn’t enough security.
“What if it doesn’t work?” leads to, “It probably won’t work” and “It probably won’t work” leads to, “What if I try and lose it all?” And “What if I try and lose it all?” leads to, “There is way too much risk.”
And that false belief is precisely what feeds the scarcity mindset. It’s what kills hopes and dreams.
It’s exactly why every man dies, but not every man lives.
Successful people aren’t much different than unsuccessful people.
They still feel discomfort, insecurity, fear, and all of the above.
The difference is that they are overcomers.
They feel all the bad shit, but choose to act anyway.
It’s because winners understand time. They understand how fleeing it is and that we’re not getting any of it back. The clock is ticking.
And that ticking clock creates a sense of urgency.
Fuck waiting for the “time to be right”.
That doesn’t exist, no time is promised and the time to act is right now.
Successful people also have an abundance mindset.
They are self-aware.
They recognize the abundance of opportunity that is at our disposal if they are simply willing to work for it.
They also believe that whatever they lose, they can get back.
This allows them to operate with that fearlessness that is so critical to success.
Sense of urgency, abundance mindset, & undenying belief in oneself. That’s the formula.
“One recognizes the full importance of time only when there is little of it left. Every man’s greatest capital asset is his unexpired years of productive life.” -PW Litchfield
Success never comes to you.
You always have to go to it.
It’s waiting for you.