Here is why you should avoid following the weak.
“Strength is a choice.
It’s a moral obligation.
Weak men aren’t men.
They are fragile boys with loose standards whose laziness, immaturity, & lack of personal responsibility will steal from your potential if followed.
These people are to be avoided at all costs.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I think they call this post “toxic masculinity” or something, but I certainly don’t care about labels.
As I witness the devastation from the most recent storms, they’ve got me thinking about how important being a man is.
As I speak to strong men with boots on the ground, hands operating heavy machinery, and lineman 30’ in the air restoring order, I am damn thankful for “toxic masculinity”.
Because guess who isn’t putting the world back together?
Male moisturizer enthusiasts.
It’s the men with tore up work boots, faded jeans, and calloused hands.
Strong, capable men with physical prowess working dark to dark, foregoing their own personal well-being, selflessly focused on making the life of another, easier. They are the ones putting the world back together.
Just remember who it is we call when shit hits the fan.
Strength is choice. You can choose to gain or enhance your strength literally starting right now.
(And for the record, strength has nothing to do with how much weight you can put on a barbell sleeve and lift.)
But moreso than strength being a choice, as a man, strength is a moral obligation.
You owe it to you and everyone around you to be strong.
Because strength is the bedrock of leadership.
Without strength you cannot lead.
There is no, “well maybe, you can sorta still lea..”
No. You can’t. You must be strong to lead.
Again, strength isn’t necessarily large muscles, 6-packs, or the prioritization of daily squats (though a man’s looks are a billboard of his personal discipline or lack of it.)
But choosing to ‘not be strong’ when ‘being strong’ are both (controllable) choices and the ladder being a requirement for leadership, it’s easy to infer that the man (boy) who chooses weakness over strength has loose standards, is lazy, and lacks personal responsibility.
What do animals do in the wild?
They stay away from or, let’s just be honest, they kill the weak.
While you most definitely shouldn’t kill or hurt anybody who isn’t attempting to cause you physical harm, you most definitely should avoid weak boys at all costs.
It’s because their lack of code and standard in their own lives will ultimately bleed off on you, if followed.
Choose Strength.