Here is what strength really is:
“Strength is not how much you can put on a barbell and lift.
Strength is honesty.
Strength is humility.
Strength is effort.
Strength is improvement.
Strength is compassion.
Strength is selflessness.
Strength is ownership.
Strength is a responsibility you owe to everyone around you.”
-Ray Zingler on X

You should definitely train, and train hard, but strength has little to do with how much weight you can load onto a bar and lift.
There are many façade driven dudes out there who can squat 5 plates, walking around in designer clothes that are too small, who are weak as puppy piss where it actually matters.
Strength is honesty. Can you tell the truth? All the time? Even when it’s uncomfortable, may temporarily hurt somebody, or yield adverse consequences for yourself? That’s strength.
Strength is humility. Do you understand that your strength isn’t even about you? Do you understand that your strength is an obligation if you want to be a leader? And the role of your strength is to better serve the life of another? That’s strength.
Strength is effort. Do you bust your ass? I mean really bust your ass? Hot, cold, rain, shine, 7 days a week, every week, are you putting fourth your best effort? Or are you just trying to make it look like you are? Strong people give real effort, all the time. That’s strength.
Strength is improvement. Have you defined where you’re at and where you want to go? Have you designed a blueprint to personally develop yourself and then consistently followed through on the tangible actions required to improve yourself? Or have you only talked about what sounds good in theory. It’s about that action, boss. That’s strength.
Strength is compassion. Do you care about others? I mean really care? Do you go as far as not only hearing but listening to others, forgoing what might be best for you in specific situations so that you can help build up others who are struggling? That’s strength.
Strength is selflessness. Human beings are hardwired to be selfish. It’s the way we we’re designed. Have you actively worked on reprogramming the default setting? Have you transitioned from selfish to selfness? That’s strength.
Strength is ownership. Do you own your shit? I mean really own it. The good, the bad, and the ugly just the same? Or do you tend to take credit for the positive, but then defer blame or make excuses for the “not so pretty”. Strong people own. That’s strength.
Strength is a responsibility.