The winners leverage them all.
“The final week of the year is a great time to get dialed for the ensuing year ahead.
But instead of (only) planning and writing out what it is you intend to do..
Start doing it.
Sports are games of inches.
Life is a game of seconds.
Winners leverage them all.”
-Ray Zingler on X

“A bad decision on Monday is better than a good one on Friday. What bedevils our business is lack of speedy response.” -Sir Martin Sorrell
This last week of the year is one of my favorites mainly because of the “slowed down” time that I get to spend with my family, but in my line of work (working with families of students) it’s a very miniature reset before life “restarts” on January 6th (when kids return to school, here.)
We focus on finishing out Q4 strong (our strongest year yet) and prepare to blast into Q1 of the next year.
Like any driven entrepreneur I have extensive goals and objectives for next year ranging from family to business to personal.
There is a lot I want to accomplish.
And while it feels good to get organized, get all my new devices charged up, and crack the first page of that new notebook, over the years I’ve found that it is far more beneficial to actually start working on what I set out to accomplish than it is to make it all look cute on iPads and in spiral ring notebooks.
The average person will spend 90,000 hours of their lives working.
Imagine putting in as little as 30 hours of work in during that last week of the year, when most are pile up on the couch sand bagging it.
30 hours? What’s that going to do?
Multiply those 30 hours by 45 years.
You just bought 2 months of time.
What if you work 60 hours during the last week of the year? 70?
The distance you can create from commoners is so comically easy with remedial, yet focused, intentional effort.
The fact of the matter is that most things don’t take as long as you think they’ll take (unless you write, self-publish, and release a book, holy shit that takes a long time) what holds projects up more times than not is procrastination.
“Life” is going to happen.
It’s going to get in the way.
You’re going to be bombarded with uncontrollables.
Establish the goal(s).
Define, simply, the primary, secondary, and tertiary objectives.
And then start. Go. RIGHT NOW.
Urgency & action will beat great intentions 100 times out of 100.