See how much fun they’re having? That was youth sports before adults ruined them.
“Every year I watch my seniors play ‘Senior Assassin’.
And it’s some of the most joy I’ve ever seen them have playing a fun game, outside with their friends, that requires strategy, teamwork, trust, & camaraderie with teammates.
Now, look at what adults did to youth sports..”
-Ray Zingler on X
If you don’t know what Senior Assassin is (don’t worry about the word assassin, Karen, remember sticks and stone’s can break your bones, but words…) it’s a fun game that HS Seniors play all over the country.
You essentially have a team of 4-8 people you’re on, while you’re “hunting” another group of 4-8 people.
The team you’re hunting is not hunting you.
Another team unrelated to the team you’re hunting, is hunting you.
The kicker is you have the location of who you’re hunting, but not the location of who is hunting you.
The objective is to sneak up on the team you’re hunting and shoot them with an assault rif.. squirt gun. A fu*king squirt gun, Karen, don’t sh*t your pants.
There are a variety of rules to the game, from no hunting on county grounds, going inside people’s homes, and etc.
Every year “gyms” are always a debate, “Is Zingler Gym fair game!? Well, if we say no to that gym, we have to say no to all gyms” yadda yadda yadda.
There are some adults out there who hate the idea of the game, much like everything else of value in a child’s life, but if that’s you, go kick some rocks and pound some sand because games like this have more net value than most of their youth sports you’ve ruined for them in an effort to make money off their backs at the expense of their mental & physical health.
You know what Senior Assassin is actually about?
It’s about fun. Good old fashioned FUN.
It’s about teamwork, critical thinking, strategy, & trust.
It’s about bonding with your friends and classmates who share a common goal of winning a silly game.
It’s natural and pure, is what it is.
Ask yourself, no seriously ask yourself…
“Does my kid enjoy going to <insert sport> practice as much as he or she enjoys playing Senior Assassin with their friends?”
I’m not a betting man, but if folks were honest, I reckon we’d hear a lot more no’s than yes’s.
Yet we still try to tell them sports are about “fun” and “love of the game”.
My ass they are.
Politics & greed are ruining what had the potential to be their greatest adolescence assets.