Relational Rapport Is Critical To Quality Culture

You can't get around it, fake it, or fast track it.

You can’t get around it, fake it, or fast track it.

“One of the most overlooked and undervalued elements of coaching, that has DIRECT implications on success is Relational Rapport.

Saying the right words when you have to does not equal healthy relationships that contribute to quality culture.

You have to walk that talk every single day.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Do you care?

I mean really care?

Not the type of care where you say what you need to say publicly or write it in a bio because it sounds good..

I’m talking the type of care where you wake up and go to sleep thinking about ways to better enhance the lives of your people.

Not some days. Not when it’s convenient. But every day?

Are you living the code with your actions and setting and adhering to the standard?

Do your people, without any shadow of a doubt, know that you deeply respect and care about them?

Are you positive?

I’m not asking you these questions, but these are the questions I ask myself every day of my life.

I am miles and miles from perfect. I couldn’t hit perfect with a stick if I tried, but I will say that I am intently focused on continuing to better answer the questions I’ve presented above.

It’s because I understand the importance of relational rapport with people.

I understand that in order to enhance the life experiences of those who have entrusted me, I must give a shit. I mean truly give a shit about them. It’s the only way.

If I don’t, I am no different from the masses of people who use selfish means, power dynamics and politics to enhance their own perceptions of themselves.

What good does that do if the end goal is to enhance the lives of others? It’s a zero sum-game when you look at it from that angle. Sadly, many don’t have the self-awareness to look at it from that vantage point.

At the end of the day, in order to make a real difference in the lives of others, you MUST take time to develop high quality relationships built on rock solid trust, respect, and care.

There is no getting around it.

You can try to fake it. You can try to fast track it. You can try to put on a façade to cloud the vision of others, but people aren’t dumb.

They know real from phony. Especially when you think they don’t.

You can talk it all day long, but are you (actually) living it?

They know.

Again, I’m asking myself.

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