If you think otherwise, you’re probably in the latter category.
“Guess what!
Despite who you vote for and who “runs” the state/country..
Winners will still win and losers will still lose.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Its Election Tuesday so I thought there was no better way to influence people than to get on here and rant about my political preferences.
I’ve learned so much over the years that shit posting, posts defending my side and bashing yours on social media has definitely played an integral role in the lives of others.
It’s awesome to see all the arguments strangers have with each other on the internet and the concrete solutions they provide.
Actually, they don’t provide any solutions.
They further the divisive narrative the Mainstream Media insights and they use your passion as their means, magnifying the problems you’re so desperate to see fixed.
You are a puppet in their play and don’t even know it.
While I certainly have my political preferences, I’m not going to get on here and shove them down your throat.
Even if “I’m right” (in my own right) how does that help you, who might passionately think differently than me?
Again, it’s why I avoid the conversation and focus on other things.
What other things?
Things I can control.
Now I’m not implying that voting is unimportant and your voice doesn’t matter. It 100% does, but do you really think who’s in office is going to have PROFOUND positive or negative implications on your day-to-day life?
Taxes, Boarder Control, Gas Prices, Abortion, Guns Rights, Foreign Policy, etc. are important things, they are. They impact some people far more than others and I respect that.
But for most people in America, who is in office is going to have little impact on your everyday life.
The reason you think it does, is because you let it.
Most are worried about who is in office, while they don’t even have their own shit together within the walls of their own homes.
You think “your guy” is going to make your life better? He or She is not.
Only you have the power to improve the quality of your own life. It has everything to do with your choices, your actions, your consistency, and your discipline.
Thinking that politicians are going to make your life better is the most loser-thinking in the history of the world.
We live in a corrupt world.
It’s not “We the People” it’s “We the Politicians” using the people as pawns.
Winners understand that and that’s why they’ll continue to win regardless of who is in office.