The difference is found in the consistency of quality actions that add value to the lives of others.
“Rarely is it IQ that separates the successful & unsuccessful.
There are plenty of academics up to their neck in debt, while dudes with GED’s & welding rigs make their annual salaries in 90 days.
What separates the successful & unsuccessful is the consistency of quality action.”
-Ray Zingler on X

They weren’t lying when they said, “education is the key to your future.”
But they “forgot” to tell you about the discrepancy between education and schooling.
(Continuing) education (well beyond) the structured environment of a classroom that the government encourages our kids to sit and “score points” in, is the key to your future.
Earning a bunch of points on arbitrary standardized tests? Not so much.
Taking “this many AP classes” to “get into that school?” Nah. Doesn’t matter. Not in the real world, at least.
Unless, of course, your goal in life is to become a career academic.
But let me let you in on a little secret.
The world doesn’t give a shit about accolades or how much academia you know.
The world cares about your ability to assess problems, generate solutions, and then, most importantly, the speed in which you can tangibly solve said problems to improve our citizenry’s quality of life.
It’s why the welder, electrician, professional athlete, and yep, the garbage man, can always earn more than the career academic resting on their laurels of advanced degrees.
Because they have more skills and are of more value to the marketplace.
When’s the last time you called a “researcher” when shit hit the fan?
The point I’m making is that the difference between the successful and unsuccessful has little to do with intelligence.
Again, there are folks out there with heaping volumes of book smarts, but are out earned by people with 1/4th of their IQ.
Because success is not dependent on quantity of knowledge.
Success hinges on the volume of quality decisions one makes.
A (proven) argument can be made that knowing too much leads to inaction.
The academics call this paralysis by analysis.
And we need to start teaching our kids this fact, early & often.
Fretting over trivial GPAs and spending thousands on standardized test prep, is the most ignorant lie the world is teaching them.
That shit doesn’t matter. At all.
What matters are tangible life skills & street agility.
And pretending that’s not the truth because it doesn’t sound as politically correct at your social (comparison) functions is exactly what is setting our kids up for failure.
Quality actions over everythaaang.