It pays.
“Quality doesn’t cost.
It pays.”
-Ray Zingler on X

It’s Black Friday.
I’m not sure if people still went out to stores at midnight to save $9 on a shirt, or if they’re only hours away from getting arrested at Wal-Mart for punching somebody in the face over a cheap Smart TV, but I’ll tell you where I won’t be.
Ever since I was young I always found it comical that the day after “practicing gratitude & thankfulness” we marketed and culturally appropriated, disgusting, gluttonous, selfish behavior. All to buy a bunch of cheap shit that will soon end up in a landfill. #Merica.
As I scroll my feeds littered with ads, sales, discounts, price slashing, and overall CHEAP pushes from the masses, I’ll tell you what I’ll not do.
Offer a discount.
Not only will I not offer a discount, I don’t even want a discount. I won’t take them.
I remember years ago a friend of mine; one hell of an HVAC worker did a job for me and he tried to give me the friend discount.
No chance in hell.
He never would tell me what “full price” was, so I simply paid him 2x what I was invoiced.
Discounts insinuate cheap.
And cheap attracts cheap.
Cheap is for losers.
Ask yourself how many “Black Friday” ads you saw for Lamborghini on your TV or Social Media apps? Zero?
But you damn sure saw them for Hyundai, Kohls, and you’re run of the mill, box gym/personal training services.
You have two types of people out there:
You have price shoppers and value shoppers.
And if you offer a quality product or service, I’ll tell you the last person you want to attract: price shoppers.
It’s because price shoppers will shop price at the expense of quality value.
They’re never happy and they never stick around, despite the level of convincing and accommodating you provide for them.
I’ve been down that road and I can promise you, it’s a road you don’t want to travel.
If you’re proven and great at what you do or sell, you want to cater to value driven people.
The people who understand that quality doesn’t “cost”.
Quality PAYS.
These people understand how investments work.
And they know the ROI far exceeds the price of the quality.