A better athletic development resource simply doesn’t exist.
“Calculated, consistent S&C training with a Professional Coach worth their salt, who has experience training youth athletes & no desire to be ‘influenced’ by social media is an absolute super power for our kids.
A greater athletic development resource for our youth doesn’t exist.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Everybody is looking to gain an edge, right?
But where is it that most people look?
Is it to the bland, boring, unsexy, mundane fundamentals?
Or is it to the flash, guru’s, that ‘new thing’, or my favorite, more of what they are already doing too much of?
It’s pretty much common knowledge that the answer is the ladder.
But what if I told you, the real answer is actually in the former?
You probably wouldn’t believe me because, you know, there is no way it is that simple and “if we spend time doing that fundamental ‘beginner’ stuff, that will just eat up time we could be doing all the advanced stuff.”
In my head, I’m thinking ‘Youth athlete, beginner by literal definition, there is literally nothing else they need than this stuff…’
I get it though. The current landscape, the FOMO, the perception (deception) is all too apparent and folks feel that if they don’t jump on board with “the way it is” (despite it being dead wrong) then their kid will “fall behind”.
But I am not here to try to convince those who don’t desire to be convinced. I’ve learned many moons ago there is very little value in that tactic.
But what I will say is this, and this isn’t my opinion, either. This is a fact.
In order for our kids to excel within the current sporting landscape, which again, ask ANYBODY, is one of abundance, they must be physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared for the demands (right or wrong) placed upon them.
If they are not 1 of 3 things happen, 1) under performance 2) injury 3) burnout
If your vehicle’s gas tank can only hold 20 gallons, you can want it to hold 30 gallons as much as you want, but if you bypass the auto stop and try to get 10 more, you’ll cover yourself and the floor in gasoline.
The only way to fit 30 gallons would be to increase capacity by installing a bigger tank.
The same concept is true for our kids and their sports.
Fundamentally sound S&C is the reservoir that expands our youth’s capacity and increases their performance potential.
A greater resource for our youth’s development simply doesn’t exist.