People Who Try To "Sound Smart" Are Attempting To Camouflage Insecurities

The great ones are smart, but are confident enough to speak to you in lay terms.

The great ones are smart, but are confident enough to speak to you in lay terms.

“The mark of a great coach is not found in his ability to write complex programs or use cryptic language.

The mark of a great coach is found in his ability to understand complex concepts & simplify them to streamline learning curves for those who don’t care how smart he is.”

-Ray Zingler on X

One day I was working with one of my clients who happens to be a dear friend of mine.

We were discussing what she was doing, what her goals were, and what modifications to her lifestyle we could make to help her get to where she wants to go.

I was talking to her all about protein, extra cardio, strength training, Zone 2 benefits, all of it.

And she was tracking with me for the most part, and then she made a comment that about put me in the floor.

“I really just want to get rid of my upper side ass.”

Here I am with a library full of science books loaded with anatomical terms, from metatarsals to occipitals, but do you think this woman, a busy mom, gives an ounce of a shit about any of it?

Not at all.

She cared about “upper side ass” so do you know what I care about?

Upper side ass.

Many coaches out there like to try to impress people (who don’t care at all) with complex verbiage, complex program design, and complex exercise selection.

They don’t do this because there is any real efficacy to complexity, they do it because they are trying to project their (shoddy) intelligence.

And the reason they are trying to project their intelligence is because they lack confidence in themselves.

They don’t believe in themselves, so they try to act and speak above you with the thinking that you’ll “assume” they know what they’re talking about.

But you know what the great coaches do?

They simplify the verbiage. They simplify the program design. They simplify the exercise selection.

And they don’t do this because they’re dumb, in fact the simplest coaches are often the smartest, they do this so can level with you and work on the same playing field with you.

“3 second eccentric Romanian Deadlift with a focus on lengthening the hamstrings and contracting the glutes?”


We’re going to do a “Butt Back” (RDL) and take our time lowering the weight for 3 seconds and then SQUEEZE everything at the top.

Want to make a difference in the lives of others?

Simplify for them.

I promise they don’t care how smart you are.

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