Our Sense Of Community Is Being Destroyed With Each Passing Day.

We're playing into the game exactly how they've drawn it up.

We’re playing into the game exactly how they’ve drawn it up.

“In a world where we’ve never had more access to connectedness, we’ve never been more disconnected.

Sense of community is rampantly dying, even in smaller towns.

We don’t support our local communities anymore because the ways of the modern world have conditioned us not too.”

-Ray Zingler on X

Just look outside.

Every patch of dirt is being bought up by greedy out of town investors looking to build cookie cutter homes stacked on top of each other in towns they’ll never live in.

I mean we’ve quite literally been placed in each other’s living rooms.

Most people live so close to their neighbors nowadays that they can smell what they’re cooking in their kitchen (with the windows shut) but don’t even know their names.

I find it funny that in a world of unlimited convenience and connectedness, we’ve never lacked a sense of community more than we do today.

I understand the notion in bigger cities and towns, but this lack of “community” is happening literally everywhere.

Of course (Thank God) there are still some true Small Town USA’s out there, but very few are painting the town’s Wendy’s with the high school team’s colors to send them off to the state playoffs, anymore.

I realize I may be “old school” but I miss that stuff.

You know, where you lended a hand to your neighbor, bought coffee from the local coffee shop, bought the local goods and services, and then went to watch the ball team play on Friday night. Crazy huh?

Instead, today we’re too consumed with ourselves and jumping on a travel ball team 5 towns over because the games (yes, literal games) in our town just aren’t good enough (yes, they are.)

All we do is run and run and run to perceived greener grass, falsely assuming it’ll be better over there.

And then when it’s all said and done and we realize it’s not, we’ve destroyed a sense of community without even realizing it.

But what can we expect?

This is exactly the “game” these Rich Men North of Richmond (thanks, Oliver) and out near Silicon Valley (who are connected with each other) want us to play.

If they create a false sense of connectedness by leveraging our attention, they can destroy our sense of community by creating high volumes of INDIVIDUALS who happen to live close together.

And are we not playing the game as pawns exactly how they drew it up?

You know what happens when there is no sense of community?

People are far more easily controlled.

Something to think about.

A sense of community has never been more important than it is today.

Go out of your way to support yours.

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