The real world cares far more about your resilience threshold than it does your batting average.
“Our kids need fewer sport specific gurus & more true mentors (outside of parents).
They already have too much structure as it is.
They need leaders to help them become more physically resilient.
Leaders to help them navigate the cruel & broken world they are growing up in.”

-Ray Zingler on X
The longer I do this, the more I believe it.
And this isn’t a quick reaction opinion.
You work with thousands of kids across the spectrum, every single day, for thousands and thousands of days in a row and you pick-up on trends.
Am I implying that athletes shouldn’t seek outside help to hone in on their athletic crafts?
Of course not.
Go see your hitting instructor or a shooting coach. I’m all for it.
But I will tell you this. The diminishing returns come faster than you think.
Think about it.
Your kids play sport(s) year-round, this means endless periods of practices, games, tournaments, and showcases. They are “on” all the time.
There’s your first performance impediment right out the gate.
And now, with kids who are already doing an abundance, which, again, scientifically speaking, reduces performance potential, we’re going to add more to their plates which are already beyond full?
Let’s pretend it is a “good idea”.
What is there to gain?
For most, it’s the abrupt stoppage of playing the sport immediately after high school?
Oh! It’s to “get a scholarship?”
For what? A degree that would have been paid for 3 times over without subjecting them to the year round nonsense that is helping them improve minimally at best and oftentimes taking from them far more than it gives?
All to eventually get to a point where it’s over, with no compounded return on investment?
16-year-old kids turn 46 one day and the real world doesn’t give a shit how hard they threw 30 years ago.
You know what our kids really need?
Less structure.
They need more value that will actually compound.
They need mentors (outside of their parents) who will shoot them straight and help position them for real world success.
Can we use sports/training as an entry/leverage point to gain access to the hearts and minds of our youth?
You’re damn right, I do it every day.
Our kids need leaders. Real leaders.
Leaders who will empower them and help them reach the heights of their potential today, but with a macro focus on the life lessons associated so that what they learn has the opportunity to compound not only tomorrow, but a bunch of tomorrows from tomorrow.