Our Broken World Is Full Of Broken, But Accepted Standards

The most outlaw thing you can do in the modern world is go against the grain.

The most outlaw thing you can do in the modern world is go against the grain.

“Surface Level.


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Mass Produced.



Politically Correct.

Those are the standards in our broken world that is waging war on authentic free thinkers.

Go against the grain, anyway.

There are a select few out there who still crave real.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

The most outlaw thing you can do in the modern world is think and act for yourself.

The boxes of conformity continue to get larger and larger because big brother doesn’t like it if you try to play your own game.

And not only does big brother not like it, big brother has conditioned the commoner to view anything outside the box as radical.

Be careful not to tread over or under the societal norms because not only will you get washed out by the algorithm, you’ll be labeled crazy by those who just mindlessly fall in line.

Positivity, discipline, dedication, & real pride in your craft? Nah those guys are lunatics.

Let’s fill social media with the sexualization of young girls. Let’s teach “gender identity” (corruption) in the elementary school hall because “they need it”. Get out of here.

“Let’s try to convince them it’s not that big a deal..”

I mean we have grown men and women in America in critical youth mentorship positions who won’t call the nonsense because of fear of repercussion. And guess who loses? Our kids.

I understand that the masses not only fall, but run into the trap of conformity. They love the surface level, plastic, mass produced, commercialized, undifferentiated, politically correct society we live in because it’s easy.

It’s comfortable for most, which is why they like it.

But here is what I also know. There are still people out there who crave the old school way.

There are people out there who still love depth, authenticity, creativity, and a morally correct way of life.

There are people out there who understand work ethic, value, integrity, & community. Again, not as many, but they are there.

If I’ve learned one thing in my life it’s that blazing your own trail, while hellaciously unpopular is something our society is quietly craving.

It’s craving courageous men and women in positions of impact to stand up for what is right, despite the ease of letting what is wrong fill the bucket.

Going against the grain is hard, it’s much easier to sell out for dollars, but by doing so, are you making a difference? Or are you proving their point?

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