While I can promise & prove performance results, my focus travels far deeper.
“Most ‘sports performance’ facilities will promise you short-term outcomes (without even proving them).
I’ll promise you a calculated, strategic investment in the well-being & global development of your child today, with an aim of helping them become more capable people tomorrow.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I get a kick out of these places.
“Train Like The Pros!” with “Results Guaranteed!”
Want to know the absolute worst thing you can ever have a youth athlete do? Train like a professional.
And guaranteed results?
At an undifferentiated speed & agility cog where their ENTIRE business model is: low price, high volume?
They aren’t even measuring or tracking anything.
And even if they were, these bros have no idea how any of the data translates to real world performance.
Literally their sole focus is to get large numbers of bodies in the door because the more feet they have chopping per hour translates to more dollars.
But, let’s play make believe.
Let’s pretend that these places have your children’s best interest in mind and are using scientifically sound, developmentally appropriate training models (lol).
What happens?
They get stronger?
They get more agile?
You (think) they are running faster at their sporting events, (usually it’s puberty to thank)?
But then what?
The data is still the data.
Statistically, over 99% of kids, regardless of the training they do, are not going to make a living playing sports.
And because I know this, it impacts my approach significantly.
Trust me, I can get athletes stronger, faster, and more agile. I can help them improve on field performance, too. And I work at this stuff every single day.
I don’t run a high volume chop shop where I yell at kids to go faster during “fast feet” drills. That stuff is bullshit and doesn’t transfer. (I can’t help myself.)
But anyway, I am focused on our kids on a much deeper, human level.
While I can promise performance results (I have an abundance of data to prove it) here’s what I’ll promise beyond the sports performance enhancements.
I’ll promise a calculated, strategic investment in the well-being & global development of your kids today, but with an intensely focused aim at helping them become more capable people, tomorrow.
The jerseys are coming off.
The cleats will be hung up for good.
And these kids will venture off into the real world.
Did my behavior positively or negatively impact their walk in that life?
That’s the game I’m playing.
See how little speed & agility matters?