They’re selling random, short lived, instruction, not calculated, compounding value.
“Do you know how easy it is to sell unknowing parents ‘sports lessons’ on a surface you don’t own?
Do you know how much effort goes into investing substantial money, study, energy, & time, to create a truly developmental model for kids?
Be careful who you buy ‘development’ from.”
-Ray Zingler
There are LEVELS to this game.
And the primary reason most in this game stay below the amateur level is because building and acting upon, consistently, a truly developmental model for kids isn’t a side gig.
It’s not doing some random drills you did back in high school for 45 minutes at a local school or park on the weekends for short side money.
Building a truly developmental model for kids is an unending process full of challenges.
It costs.
I can’t tell you the number of 100’s of thousands of dollars I’ve spent, not only to invest in properties, but build platforms, upgrade equipment, replace equipment, personal and professional “development”, taxes, fees, insurance, and on & on. It’s never ending.
But beyond the physical costs the real “expense” is the study, energy, and time that goes into this.
Like I said, development is not a weekend warrior gig.
No real Pro, “does it on the side”.
Of course, my favorite part of the job is being on the floor with the kids. That is when I get to “put my jersey on”, but admittedly, that is the dessert portion.
It’s the thousands of hours spent reading, researching, studying, learning, trialing, erring, writing programming, adapting, & autoregulating that give you a chance.
And the reason I use the phrase “give you a chance” is because that’s just the starting point.
Then and only then can you get into the real development, which is the psychological/emotional component of reaching and developing kids.
And yeah, you guessed it, this takes an IMMENSE amount of time, energy, study, and practice as well.
As you can see with this surface level picture I’ve painted, creating a developmental model for kids isn’t easy. It’s why most don’t (can’t) do it.
It’s a 24/7/365 passion project.
And if you want to be great, you literally don’t have time to do anything else. It’s a life commitment.
And while that may sound drastic to some, is there a better basket to put “all your eggs in” than the youth development basket?
Not for me.
It’s the most important service of them all.
Just be careful who you’re outsourcing your kids’ development to.
Lots of Joes out there, very few focused Pro’s.