Most People Don't Want What Is Best For The Kids.

They want the versions of them that are best for themselves.

They want the versions of them that are best for themselves.

“Most people don’t want what’s best for the kids.

They want the version of them that is best for themselves.

This is true of parents of kids, coaches of players, & teachers of students just the same.

Real mentors actually want what’s best for them.

They dont just say it.”

-Ray Zingler on X

“We’re in this thing for the kids!”

Are you though?

Do your actions and behaviors reflect that 100% of the time?

Are you actively learning, growing, and evolving in your own life so that you can teach them how to do the same in theirs?

Do you put their true best interests (whether you love or disagree with them) above your own?

Or are you pushing them towards a path that is preferred and acceptable for you and more importantly society?

I think a lot of people say they’re in it for the kids because that’s cheap and easy to say, but when push comes to shove and you watch their actions, their tangible behaviors don’t back up their vocalized claims.

Intentions are easy, actions are a different story, though.

And the fact of the matter is that most don’t truly want what is best for the kids.

They want the version of them that is best for themselves.

They push them towards the “traditional” path of get good grades, go to college, and get a safe job (f*ck that) because that sounds more attractive at neighborhood dinner parties than, “He’s actively learning a trade, going to work really hard for 6 years, and then open his own business with the skills he’s acquired.”

For most, the ladder is obviously (concrete data speaking) a far better option for most, but we push them towards debt and an undifferentiated degree from Cold Beer U because that’s what that kid over there is doing, too.

And coaches who say they want what’s best for kids?

But they funnel them into early onset single sport specialization because adults have made a business off the backs of our kids?

You’re quite literally not allowed to say you want what’s best for the kids as you encourage (and charge a hell of a fee for) what is completely COUNTER to their physiological, social, and emotional development.

And our modern “education”

It’s not about learning practical skills and how to think creatively and dynamically.

It’s about getting scores so that you can get on the same train as everybody else.

It’s bullsh*t.

If you want what’s best for them, you must place their needs & desires above your own.

Talk is cheap.

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