Preying on unknowing consumers perceptions is the dirtiest of business.
“Coaches who are selling more sport specific training on top of the grotesque volumes kids are already exposed to, aren’t selling ‘development’.
They are distancing kids even further from the very concept they know/care nothing about.
Preying on perceptions is dirty business.”
-Ray Zingler on X

“The reality is most people don’t know what strength & conditioning is.. The words speed & agility, core strength, & arm care.. these buzzwords are great and attract the masses.
Anyone can pretend to be a Strength Coach. That is the problem. You don’t see people running around calling themselves physical therapist or a doctor.
And this is why anybody can copy a couple of videos off the internet and say they are a Strength Coach.”
This was Legendary S&C Coach Zach Even-Esh’s reply to my original post on X.
And like most all the time, Coach Z is 100% right.
The reality is that most consumers’ just don’t know.
On one end you have true professionals who have put tens of thousands of hours of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars into the game.
And on the other end you have phonies who haven’t put any time in (researching, studying, and learning) the game and the only investments they’ve made are $78 worth of bullshit that can fit in a duffel bag.
And to the general consumer, Joe DeFranco is the same as Jimmy Jabroni.
It’s sad, but it is what it is.
While I will always continue to educate and advocate for the true professionals, the reality is that consumers’ must start questioning the status quo.
They have to look at things objectively.
“Does this person have my kid’s best interests in mind? Or is he prescribing what’s cheapest & easiest to make the quickest money off our family?”
The overwhelming, I’m sorry, OVERWHELMING majority in this game are in the ladder camp.
Why would they invest time, money, effort, and energy into something when they can watch a few bullshit tiktok videos that went viral and imitate them? They know you’re not going to care or question them.
They’re not going to.
Most of these guys selling you the “sport specifics” on top of the already far too abundant sport specifics aren’t aiding in the development of your child.
They’re hindering it.
Nice people can say nice things, but it doesn’t mean they’re developmentally correct.
The truth is they don’t care about your kid or his/her development.
If they did they wouldn’t be selling you dirty product.
They only care about your money.