But the majority of businesses fail because they can’t sustainably connect with and influence people.
“Every business guru will tell you all about systems optimization, lead generation, sales, marketing, & etc.
While the above are all important aspects of business, nothing is more imporatnt than your ability to richly connect with people & how you make them feel.
-Ray Zingler on X

All that stuff is important. It really is, my greatest growth in business came from getting my shit together, logistically. AFTER THE FACT.
However, what I will forever to believe to be more important than logistics optimization is your ability to connect and resonate with people.
I will take a servants heart over the most fancy looking documents and spreadsheets 100 times out of 100.
And the reason I know the “people side” is far more important than the “business side” is because I lived with most of my focus on the people side for a long, long time.
And I grew a bootstrapped business from the ground up with zero business acumen. None.
And then let’s flip to the other side.
How many fitness businesses have all the external help, apps, programs, marketing teams, and yadda yadda DIALED, but ultimately succumb?
I’ll give you a hint.
The OVERWHELMING majority.
You can have all your i’s dotted and t’s crossed on the back end, but if you don’t have the (critically more important skillset) of communicating with, inspiring, and making people feel GREAT, mindbody isn’t going to do a damn thing for you outside of raise your overhead.
It’s no different than the smartest coach in the room.
The coach with all the certs, degrees, and 100 different letters after his name, but hardly trains himself (you can tell by the pencil neck or belly).
On top of not actually “living it” he couldn’t coach himself out of a wet paper bag.
I’m not implying you shouldn’t improve your business acumen as a business owner, nor should you rely on bro science and big traps when it comes to training, improving your business acumen and training IQ are both critical to success, but you cannot put the cart before the horse.
To have a chance in this PEOPLE field, your main focus must be on people.
Once you have a fundamental understanding of business and training, you’re far better off studying human psychology than you are picking up a 4th certification nobody gives a shit about.
You’re far better off training hard yourself, so that your clients can trust you know what you’re talking about.
These are the little things the “business degrees” will never teach you.