They are what make up the contents of your character
“It’s a dog eat dog world, but morals & ethics still matter in business.
Are you selling them what they need or the package whose price point benefits you the most?
Do things the right way for the right reasons and it will come back tenfold.
Don’t & you’ll eventually get burned.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I received a question on a recent Q&A regarding what business accomplishment I was most proud of to date.
And while I gave the question some thought, it was clear to me that what I was most proud of in 15 years of business was the maintenance and consistency of sound morals and ethics from day 1 through today.
It’s probably not as an exciting of an answer as “making this much money” or “earning this number of clients”, but it’s the truth.
Business is hard.
I mean hard, hard.
It’s an all day, every day, never leave your mind type of hard.
And even when you’re DIALED, a host of unrelenting uncontrollables are screaming downhill like 90’s linebackers hungry to separate your head from your neck.
In business, there have been times I’ve been done wrong. Very wrong. People have knowingly taken advantage of me and my company, thinking they were “pulling one over on me”.
Despite being keenly aware of what was going on, I chose to focus on the good. The people who weren’t intentionally exploiting me.
Was I going to fight fire, with fire?
Was I going to try to “make up the loss” bestowed on me by a horrible person, by compromising my morals and sticking it to an ethical person who wasn’t doing me wrong?
Of course not.
There have been many times I could have upcharged. Sold the higher priced packages. Collected on services that hadn’t yet been fulfilled.
But I didn’t. I never have and never will.
And the reason is because of the lessons I’ve learned.
That old saying, “what goes around comes around” is full of an abundance of truth.
I would rather get kicked the shins 100 times than compromise my morals or ethics once.
Not only are sound morals and ethics rewarded in the end, they are what make up the contents of your character.
Nobody cares how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, or how many vacation homes you have.
What people care about are the type of person you are and how you make people feel.
Never waiver from your morals and ethics.
At the end of the day, they carry more value than anything else.