Existing, consuming, & complaining doesn’t add value to the world (or to you, either).
“Leading a purpose driven life is essential.
If you’re not living on purpose, you’re merely existing.
If you’re only existing, are you adding value to the world? Or are you simply consuming what the world has to offer? (And then likely complaining about it.)
Live on purpose.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Why are you doing it?
This is a question I often pose to myself.
I don’t have the answer 100% correct today, and I’ll probably never be able to get it completely right, but this simple question drives my thinking, which in turn drives my actions every day of my life.
I am consistently trying to improve my thinking, which consequently has the ability to improve my actions.
The reason I am trying to better unpack this why is because behind the why lies purpose.
If I can better define my why, I unlock the code to a purpose driven life.
Which, in my opinion, the pinnacle of success & achievement on earth is nothing more than Living on Purpose.
We have a finite amount of time on this earth and as a Christian, not only am I okay with this, I am thankful for it.
I am thankful that though I live in this world, I am not of this world, and when my time here is finished, I’ll reside in a place far better than this one.
Does this mean I’m going to spend my time on earth idly, waiting for heaven? No chance.
I believe, to not maximize my time here impacting and influencing others’ in a positive way to be a disservice to the One who purchased my salvation with his blood.
I am going to live on purpose because the fact that I am here in the first place is a miracle in itself. Why waste such a precious gift?
But that’s exactly what so many people do.
They don’t live. They exist.
They go through the motions every single day.
They consume what the world has to offer, without adding any tangible value to it and then on top of it, they complain about it.
What a waste of such a precious gift that is life.
I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m just telling you how I work to extract value out of mine.
I know that my life has immensely less value unless others benefit from my gifts.
I’m simply working to enhance the delivery of my why so that my purpose can benefit others.
I’ve learned that fulfillment in my life, only comes through the servitude of others.
Life is a gift. Live it on purpose.