Leadership Requires Active Growth.

If you're not growing, you're stealing from their potential.

If you’re not growing, you’re stealing from their potential.

“If you are in a position where part of your job description is aiding in the growth and/or development of others and you are not actively growing/developing yourself..

You’re stealing from people and their potential.

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Stop talking and put your shoes on.

Walk > Talk.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

If you’re in a Leadership role, leading by example isn’t a good idea. It’s required.

Without leading by example, you’re not actually leading.

You’re asking or expecting others to do what ideally you would like for them to do.

While there are some great coaches, teachers, and mentors out there, many make the active choice of resting on their laurels and pointing to their tenure so they can use the “do as I say, not as I do,” adage.

And while tenure and accumulated wisdom that manifests over time is undoubtedly important, it’s not enough.

Remember Coaching is not a Title, Schooling is not Education, and giving stored cliché advice isn’t Mentoring.

The world evolves. People evolve. Disciplines evolve.

And somehow people in Leadership positions think they no longer need to evolve?

I don’t care if said Leadership position was appointed, created or earned, continued growth is essential.

The reason being, is Leadership is not about you, it is about them.

And by not actively growing yourself as a Leader, you’re inadvertently stealing from the potential of the individuals under your guidance.

It doesn’t matter that you “know more than them”. Telling them what you know and they don’t isn’t leading them. It’s feeding them stored information they can find on the internet. (Refer to the constantly evolving world.)

They don’t need you. Especially if you’re a bum. They can learn more on YouTube in a week than they can in a year with you standing there, trading your time to collect a check.

But there is an even deeper reason beyond evolvement that continued growth is essential.

Kid’s are smart. They notice things. They will see through your façade faster than you can shell out undifferentiated advice.

And once they see through you, you lose them.

The (true) trust and respect is gone. Out the window.

And now we’re taking impressionable minds who are learning from your (LACK OF) example and conditioning them to believe constant growth and evolvement isn’t necessary?

Then we’re sending them out into the real world?

Regardless of the situation, if you’re not going to take Leadership seriously, go get a job where your stagnation isn’t going to encourage theirs.

Put your shoes on or hit the road barefoot.

Their lives depend on it


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