Leadership isn’t forcing upon them what you want or what you think makes most sense.
“Leadership isn’t forcing upon them what you want or what you think makes most sense.
That’s how you create robotic conformists.
Leadership is using your life experience to help guide them towards the expression of their intrinsic desires & motivations.
Leaders build Leaders.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Average leaders lead in a way that makes most sense to themselves. Their counsel is predicated on ensuring there is return value to themselves, whether it be monetary or pride.
Average leaders are looking for the cash, ego bump, and/or the ability to be able to say, “told ya so!” It’s about them. They’re just often slick enough with words to be able to spin it in a way that has you and others convinced that it’s about you.
Here’s the thing, though, average leaders don’t even exist. The reason is because (real) leaders don’t behave this way.
What I referred to above are detractors, not leaders. They’re chumps. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
A real leader isn’t going to force upon you what they want.
They know leadership isn’t about what makes most sense to themselves.
The concept of self-serving advice is utilized to generate followers.
Static, robotic, conformists.
It’s not used to build leaders.
And leaders, again, REAL leaders, build more leaders.
So how do real leaders behave?
Selflessness is the fabric of leadership.
Real leaders use their life experience to help guide others towards the expression of their own intrinsic desires and motivations.
Leaders don’t care about their wants, they care about yours.
Where are you at?
What do you want?
Why do you want that?
What does getting there look like for you?
How can we manufacture a blueprint to help you get there?
And then once the leader helps a mentee establish a real, tangible blueprint, the real work starts.
The accountability. The challenges. The following up. The following through.
The never ending cycle of helping others reestablish themselves and consistently creating better versions of themselves.
That’s what real leadership is.
And the reason we have such few quality leaders today is because leadership is hard as f*ck.
I had to use the word because that’s the only one that could come close to adequately describing it.
It doesn’t a take a lot of time.
It takes all the time.
It takes a life commitment.
A life commitment that doesn’t ask, but requires you to overcome your selfish desires and allocate your energies into another.
Don’t steer them where you want them.
Steer them where God created them to be.