There are those who get it and those who don’t. Aim at the ones who get it.
“Knowing how, when, & why to invest your energy is a highly underrated skill.
You can sit there all day long & try to educate somebody on the importance of ‘x’ and you can be damn right, too.
But if they don’t desire to be educated, you’re only misusing your own time & energy.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
One of my greatest passions, probably my greatest passion is helping others.
I simply want to add value. Time, resources, effort, energy, I find fulfillment in giving myself to the betterment of others.
And I assure you I don’t claim to be holier than thou as I promise you my servant’s heart is not my own. It pulses the way it does not because of me, but because of the God I serve who is alive inside of me.
As a S&C Coach it is my desire to help as many youth coaches, youth athletes, and family’s that I can. And while I don’t claim to toot my own horn, I know youth S&C/Performance as well as anybody. It’s a craft I’ve been meticulously focused on working at for tens of thousands of highly intentional hours for over 2 decades.
I recognize I don’t have the bandwidth to help every single one of them, but I work every day of my life doing my best to spread a message that that the ability to reach far and wide.
But I’ll tell you what I’ve also learned:
I’ve learned a lot about people on my path.
I have learned there are some people who just have no desire to learn or be educated.
It’s like they are completely disinterested in absorbing beneficial knowledge that has the ability to help them and their children.
As a lifelong learner, hungry for growth and knowledge, this is a completely foreign concept to me.
You have a professional with decades of high quality, proven performance, sharing research confirmed information that has the ability to help your child leverage the most out of sports, and really life, and you prefer ignorance and affirmed personal biases because of convenience?
I mean just typing that boggles my brain, but it’s true.
There are people out there like that. A lot of people.
Back in the day I’d spend HOURS trying to educate and convince and I was damn right.
But it didn’t matter because being ‘right’ with someone who has already predetermined they’re ‘right’ in their own head means NOTHING to them.
So the message is this:
Know when, how, and why to invest your energy.
This takes some learning, but it’s essential if you want to maximize your time and energy.