When you micromanage their nature, they run into problems. Look at the state of our kids today. Do you need anymore proof?
“Kids thrive in raw, organic environments where they feel safe to be themselves.
This is where they learn social dynamics & how to operate in the outside world, despite the outside world being different from what they’re accustomed to.
Don’t put a mask on real.
They need it.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I know many of my followers on social media have an idea of what our gym is like and some on here have even been to it.
For those who don’t know, it’s on a large lot with a house and detached garage tucked into a heavily wooded area.
From afar, with the bay doors down, you’d see a gravel drive, a 50 year old shop with a lean to, and a fenced off area.
No different than anything you’d see in your town before this micro cookie cutter spec home movement came in and ruined our landscape.
But if you started walking up the gravel drive and I opened the bays, you’d see something totally different.
You’d see a factory.
Not the type of factory you’re thinking about.
But a human performance factory.
A human performance factory where every single square inch of the space, including the gravel you’re figuratively standing on was planned.
If I said I’d heard, “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” 100 times, I’d be lying by about a thousand.
It truly is a one of a kind space I dreamt of building before I was a teenager.
But what makes our gym special is not the lot. It’s not the intricate planning that went into designing the space. It’s not the Sorinex racks, or vintage iron dumbbells, either.
What makes it special is that it is real.
Our objective at Zingler Strength is to make Zingler Strength our kids 3rdplace. Their 1st place being home and their 2nd place being school.
We want our kids to want to be here.
And we know that for them to want to be here, we must curate an environment that makes them want to be here.
How do we do that?
By not fu*king with it.
We do it by letting nature, nature.
We don’t police conversations, we don’t edit the music, we don’t allow parent viewership.
Because the second we begin to alter what is natural, the gym loses it zeal.
The reason I’ve seen thousands of kids grow in our gym, mentally and physically, is not because I’m the best at programming workouts.
It’s because they’ve been in an environment that is conducive to their growth.