Growing up to be a winner or loser has everything to do with their influences early on.
“Kids from an early age, are shaped by their environments & leaders (or lacktherof) within them.
This makes it critical to get your kids in great environments with great people.
Growing up to be a winner or loser has a hell of a lot to do with who influenced them early on.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Our belief systems are shaped by our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and environments we grew up in.
Our parent’s belief systems were shaped by their parents, teachers, religious leaders, and environments they grew up in.
Their parents… you get it.
If we’re not extremely cognizant of this, even as adults, we have little ability to upgrade our hardware and software.
The reason most people live with a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset (despite abundance being readily available to all) is because they were conditioned to think that way.
Your kid in 2024, doesn’t fully believe in his heart he can become a millionaire because your dad conditioned you to believe that living paycheck to paycheck was the only way to survive in 1974.
Yes. You grew up thinking the potential for abundance didn’t exist and that developed a scarcity mindset in you and then you took that scarcity mindset and fed it to your kids.
And if your kids aren’t self-aware enough, they’ll give the same scarcity mindset to their kids.
It’s exactly why I strategically don’t use phrases like “too expensive” with my kids.
When you call something too expensive, you’re essentially saying that you haven’t created enough value with your life to be able to experience/afford it.
You’re saying, “other men (or women) can do it, but I can’t.” And right out the gate you’re limiting yourself from what could be.
It sounds superficial, but it snowballs. Like hell. Into every phase of their and your lives.
You don’t get to just tell kids, “you can be whatever you want to be” and expect them to believe it.
Are you exactly what you wanted to be?
Did you chase your dreams?
Fulfill your potential?
Are you leading and living by example?
If not, you can expect your kids to fall short of their pipedreams as well.
This is why it is so important to get your highly impressionable kids around go getters. Dream chasers. People who put it all on the line to accomplish and overcome.
Like the late Louie Simmons said, “If you let them run with the lame (“friends”, underachievers, poor influences) they will develop a limp.”
Get them in great environments with great people.
Their futures depend on it.