It's Not Lights, Wrapping Paper, & Things.

It's The Birth, Nails, & Everlasting Life. Merry Christmas!

It’s The Birth, Nails, & Everlasting Life. Merry Christmas!

“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.”

-Galatians 4:4-5

It’s not lights, wrapping paper, & things.

It’s the birth, nails, & everlasting life.”

-Ray Zingler on X

We live in a world where the significance of Christ is being downplayed more and more with each passing day.

In many circles, Christ is even demonized. And if you outwardly express your belief in Him you’ll even be labeled “extreme” by what used to be few but is now, many.  

Coaches are fired for acknowledging Him.

Folks in the workplace are asked not to talk about their Faith.

And talk about your faith at school? Yep, you’re the “weird” kid.

Why is it like this?

Why are the numbers of Christians plummeting all over the world, specifically in America?

Is it because of these “haters”?

Not in the slightest. The Christian haters have always existed and will continue to, despite God loving them anyway.

But the reason Christian numbers are falling dramatically is because we as a people have CAVED to the minority. We have followed our broken societies instructions to a T.

We are the pawns they need to manipulate their game. And it’s all hidden in plain sight.

This is why kids grow up thinking Easter is about a rabbit, Christmas is about gifts, and Sunday’s are meant for ball tournaments.

You can make it and pay to get to that 9th extra Sunday showcase that doesn’t remotely matter in the slightest, with no issue, but attend church for free to learn about and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how he PURCHASED our salvation (that, again, is free) and people don’t have time..

And, “Faith, yeah, like I have a cross necklace and believe in God or whatever, but like that isn’t something to talk about..”


It absolutely is something to talk about.

Jesus Christ wasn’t mocked, beaten, spat on, and nailed to two pieces of wood to save us from the depths of hell so that we could be quiet about our shallow faith because some jack leg on NBC labeled believers “extreme”.

With as bass ackwards as our world is today doing the exact opposite of what is “mainstream” is usually the moral, just way to operate life.

I love the Christmas season and I love ‘Christmas Vacation’ as much anybody.

But never more than Jesus Christ who born, lived, and died to save humanity from hell.

He is the Reason.

Merry Christmas.

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