Would you rather be strong and fast 2 months before the season or two months into the season?
“I used to think In-Season Training was important for maintenance.
I’ve learned it’s important for thriving.
I used to think In-Season Training was equally as important as Off-Season Training.
I’ve learned that is it MORE important.
Playoff Strength > Pre-Season Mirror Pics”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
It’s one of the busiest, most exciting times of our year here at Zingler Strength, with Spring Sports getting ready to bust wide open.
In addition to my time spent at the gym, you’ll also catch me at ball fields everywhere, hitting as many baseball, lacrosse, and soccer games that I possibly can.
There is nothing I love more than supporting our kids who work so hard with us. To see them reap the benefits of their efforts in our gym out on the field is truly one of my life’s greatest joys. I’d rather be at a JV Ball game than a Pro one, any day of the week.
As a Strength & Conditioning coach, my job is to help our kids’ yield the highest possible returns on their training time investments.
Notice I use the word investment.
I firmly understand that training at our gym and gyms like ours is a full-blown investment. Not only a financial investment, but especially a time investment.
Because of my appreciation of folks who are willing to invest their time with us, it is not only my desire, but my duty to help them maximize their ROI.
I used to think In-Season Training was important from a maintenance perspective, but I’ve learned it is so much more than that.
I’ve learned that it is not a good idea, but an essential concept to maintain training during the season so that you can continue to ENHANCE the qualities you’ve developed in the offseason.
14 Days.
14 day’s is all that it takes for athletes to start becoming detrained. When an athlete becomes detrained he or she loses the ability to fully leverage the positively enhanced qualities they developed through training (strength, speed, power, etc.)
So if we get strong, explosive, and fast in the offseason, but we don’t maintain the stimulus that provided the enhancement of those qualities, we lose when it matters the most: DURING the season.
The goal of in-season training is not to overcrowd your plate, but to maximize what is ON your plate.
You’ve invested so much in it, make sure you get the best return possible.
In-Season Training is the MOST important training.
6-8 exposures per month is all it takes, during the season.