Regardless of who “wins” the election, the winners will still win & the losers will still lose.
“Whether your guy or gal wins, here’s a fundamental fact:
If you’re banking on a bureaucrat to make your life better, you already lost.
Regardless of who the president is, the winners will still win & the losers will still lose.
Control the controllable & treat people unreasonably well.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I think the only thing more obnoxious than those damn, “Urgent, It’s Ted Cruz, can you spare $1 for our campaign? America needs you!” texts the people bickering on the internet about how their ideology is superior to yours.
There are close to 350M people in the melting pot that is America.
Different races, religions, creeds, fundamental beliefs, socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual preferences, and life experiences.
To think that “the way you see it” should be the way everyone sees it, is not only ridiculous, it’s downright ignorant.
“They’re insane.. how can they support..”
Because their entire upbringing and life experience is entirely different than yours and for at least the last 18 years they have been conditioned by their elders & environments to perceive the world a specific way that has contributed to the fusing of their belief systems.
Beliefs, that without heaping volumes of self-awareness associated with what went into creating those belief systems often remain rigid and unchanging as time accumulates.
Most people aren’t willing to upgrade & evolve their belief systems because the idea of “being wrong” is too much to bare.
They’d rather get on Facebook and tell you how dumb you are than introspectively look at their own lives.
But is that not what the system wants?
Of course it is.
It wants a bunch of pawns playing the game and fueling the divisive narrative it created.
Here’s the deal, though, and it’s been true since 1776:
Regardless of who the President is, the winners will still win and the losers will still lose.
You might pay a little more at the pump.
You might disagree with abortion policy.
You might even have to wait a few minutes longer at the gun counter for an intensive background check to clear..
But at the end of the day, you and only you are in charge of your success or failure.
Not Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
Wake up with an abundance of gratitude.
Perform the work that fuels your soul at an extraordinarily high level.
If you haven’t found your purpose, find it.
And then last but not least, treat people, all people, even the ones who look and believe differently than you, unreasonably well..
And guess what..
You’ll win.